Saturday, April 5, 2008

Clean Up Philadelphia...Mop-It for Muppet!

Stolen from one of the fine blogs in my links list there.
Let me start this blog by saying that, to the anonymous person who left a comment all in a tizzy about the blog being trash and all of that, name calling is juvenile, and will get you no where (you big stupid do-do head....). I never said all of the 'boro was trash. Just the most visible people. This was yet again confirmed by my breakfast today at Bob's Diner. Also, I ask our anonymous friend if they grew up around here, and if they did, ask their parents what a Yunker is. If not, walk down Ridge Ave some weekday during the day, and you'll realize everything I've said is true.

Also, I recognize the near death of this thing, and it having accomplished next to nothing. That's cool. School just started again, so I'll be back to having copious amounts of free time. The big Philly Clean Up is today, not a bad little idea. We'll see how it all works out, I know there were a few projects going around the boro and all.

More updates this week, getting back in the swing of things.