Wednesday, November 14, 2007

we'll do it for a country, for a people, for a moral vision...

ok, it's officially time for me to do what only a blogger can properly do...rant!

now, i must disclose that i am slightly biased on this topic (it's semi-private, pm or email me if you'd really like to know), but this nonsense with cops getting shot has to fucking stop. two more hit yesterday (thankfully, i believe they went home last night). i think i saw a figure that said 70 some cops have been shot at this year? like everyone is saying, it proves that the criminals are now callous and ballsy enough to actually shoot the po-lice. this is where it gets interesting,, don't get me wrong, i was really hoping that i could see video of the cops dragging this guy out of the house and beating him (mostly) to death, but could we consider that maybe there's more to it than just cops and robbers (or dealers)?

consider the fact that there have been...what...over 300 murders this year, i don't know the actual number offhand, and something like 400 last year? now, alot will argue (often including myself!) that many of the people being killed are "non innocent victims," drug deals gone bad, vindication, and so on. but a criminal's life is worth the same as anyone else's (including the cops'). how many of these murderers have been caught and send to jail? not a whole lot as far as i know, and yet the sons of bitches who shoot cops get caught within a day, if not sooner. now, i'm not by any means saying that the cops shouldn't be looking after their own, or that crooks are worth more than cops, but shouldn't the same amount of effort be put into EVERY murder or shooting? now, like i said, many of the people murdered were drug dealers and such, the associates of the people shooting the cops. you wander why they have such disdain for the cops? even more than normal? because their friends are being shot, and no one cares. and if we can all get away with murder, why not unload on a cop when you're backed into a corner?
(now like i said, i'm not saying this is ok by ANY means...i'm just giving a little opinion about a possible reason).

i really believe that if the 5-0 put the same effort into investigating every murder, this would be the cleanest, safest city around within days. also, did anyone see Sylvester Jonhson's statement when the bastard who shot Cassidy was on the lose? he went on describing the man who DID shoot Cassidy, not the suspect who MAY have. well, this is Street's city, so that's not entirely surprising. i think it's equally comical (but not so much in the funny way) that johnson's whole army of 10,000 men patrolling the streets is actually the same idea MILTON STREET came up with in april during his circus campaign. interesting, isn't it? maybe they could have called up the 10,000 black men to find the kid who shot the two cops yesterday. actually, they were probably all being stopped and questioned about the murder...

but race and such aside, it's come to a point where today, walking downtown, i saw a cop drive by, lights and siren blaring, and i honestly think to myself, wow, i hope they didn't get another one...

so i feel like there's not much more that i can say that hasn't already been said, or that's not completely obvious, so from here, let's switch gears to something else...

halloween brought some fun to the 'boro, at least for the 'Trash crew. we hit up karaoke at murphys, (as is the tuesday night RT tradition) the big costume contest and all of that. the fun part was that we were the only ones there wearing costumes. good times, i recommend it highly, tuesday nights, murphy's at henry and roxborough (quizzo on sunday nights, but don't bother, we'll kick your asses...). picture of halloween to come shortly.

also, looking for things to do this weekend. i know there are some ideas out there, so what's a boy to do in the neighborhood on a friday night?


Unknown said...


I think it's interesting that people feel things are so hopeless in Philly. The murder rate has gone up, and thats unacceptable. But consider this the murder rate under Street has been lower than it was every year Rendell was mayor. I don't know if we have hit 400 murders yet, but we did that 4 or 5 of the 8 yrs when Rendell was in office. Rendell was just a better PR master, he'd eat hoagies with kids, jump into pools, we all felt alot better when he was in office.

Anonymous said...

First of all-this blog is trash,stereotyping everyone in the area as dirt bags,etc,when there is a large variety of people(my husband and I are young and white collared) Second of all, the murders in Philly are happening in isolated areas and are giving the whole city a bad rep. It is not hopeless,NYC used to have a bad crime rep as well,hopefully Nutter will help us.

Lioness and Vixen said...

Dear Roxborough Trash,

Thank you for saying about Roxborough the way we all feel; except for the person who commented last, of course (anonymously).

Allow me to retort. Stereotyping everyone is what life is all about. They're based on what we all see; especially in Roxborough. Manayunk is douchey and Roxborough is trashy.
Of course not EVERYONE in Roxborough is like that. That's obvious. The point is, of course, that MOST of it IS...hence: this blog.

The murders in the city are happening ALL over the city...the city has given itself a bad rep...but that's neither here nor there.

The point is, essentially, that if you think Nutter will help us, you're more delusional than the people who stumble out of Peck Miller's at 4 in the afternoon.

If anyone will help us, it will be people like the one who writes this blog...because only honesty and disregard to political correctness can effectively eliminate the problem.
And I'm not talking about racism or discrimination; but, knowledge of where the problem lies and the wisdom to be able to take it on in any way necessary (or available).

Anonymous, lighten up...if you're not 13 years old and pregnant, then you probably aren't Roxborough Trash and have nothing to worry about.

P.S: Did you grow up in Roxborough or just move here?